lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

Ten tech-enabled business trends to watch

En este interesante artículo publicado este mes de agosto por McKinsey se hace un repaso de las 10 tecnologías que marcarán la tendencia en los próximos años y que impulsarán la productividad y los resultados de las empresas que sepan adaptarlas a sus modelos de negocio. Otro artículo imprescindible de McKinsey. (se puede descargar el pdf previo registro gratuito en la web)

Abstract in english:
Advancing technologies and their swift adoption are upending traditional business models. Senior executives need to think strategically about how to prepare their organizations for the challenging new environment.

Trend 1: Distributed cocreation moves into the mainstream
Trend 2: Making the network the organization
Trend 3: Collaboration at scale
Trend 4: The growing ‘Internet of Things’
Trend 5: Experimentation and big data
Trend 6: Wiring for a sustainable world
Trend 7: Imagining anything as a service
Trend 8: The age of the multisided business model
Trend 9: Innovating from the bottom of the pyramid
Trend 10: Producing public good on the grid

AUGUST 2010 • Jacques Bughin, Michael Chui, and James Manyika
Source: McKinsey Global Institute

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